At the same time, we are subject to great weaknesses; first and foremost, we are focused solely on success and pleasure and are not ready for suffering. While filming this movie, I understood that if suffering is inevitable then we need to know how to accept it, and accept with dignity, find a meaning in it, the same meaning as we find in our work. In my movie, the children teach us, the adults, how to accept and value life.”

An undisputed find in the film was the young and extraordinarily talented actor Jack Chad. It was Jack (the only paid member of the crew, by the way) who breathed amazing spirit into the picture. Jack played the role of a kind of thinker, who not only interviewed different people, but also expressed his opinions, and asked difficult questions to himself from the screen, but in such a way as if asking each viewer about it. That allowed him to keep the audience in suspense. Jack’s rare acting gift was a unique combination of the comedic and the tragic, thanks to which he was able to bring to this complex film not only tragic, but also good-natured humorous notes.

Of course, the New York Independent Film Festival isn’t the Oscars or the Grammys. But it’s a serious bid that holds promise for creative opportunities and prospects.

After a brief stellar period of rave reviews in the press and a tiny golden statuette, it was time for Roy to rest, rejuvenate, reflect, and decide in which direction to move next.

Yes, Roy was as happy as any artist is when he’s created work that others recognize.

The apparel design company where Michelle worked as a manager closed for the summer due to slowing demand. In short, everything pointed toward spending a summer in Sea Gate. And it was hard to imagine a better place for Nick’s vacation than that.


Chapter 2


Six-year-old Nick slept uneasily—twisting, turning and stirring awake often. He woke up, yet again, and sat up in bed. He stared ahead, a puzzled expression on his face.
